Awesome! A $5 app that replaces a $200 GPS unit for a DSLR! It takes about 2 minutes to tag a days worth of photos. I shoot RAW, so I love that it creates XML "sidecar" files with the location information and it doesnt modify the RAW files. Then when I import the photos into LightRoom, LightRoom automatically reads the locations and can plot them on its map.
Ive seen reviews that complain about the GPS performance, but thats an iPhone limitation and not the fault of the app. Anywhere the iPhones GPS has difficulty (e.g. indoors), the app will too.
Like all GPS apps, it uses a lot of battery. You can save battery by setting it to only update every 3, 5, or 10 minutes instead of continuously. I wish there was an interval between continuous and 3 minutes, like 1 minute, which I think would be better for walking.
nova_mdc about GeoTagr